A Publication of Nebraska Right to Life
  Summer 2000

Pro-Life Successful at State GOP Convention

A joint effort between Nebraska Right to Life PAC (NRL PAC) and Metro Right to Life PAC (MRL PAC) at the State Republican Convention in North Platte in June spelled success, 14. of the 17 pro-life candidates endorsed by the two PACs were elected delegates and alternates to the National Republican Convention in Philadelphia in August. Among the dedicated pro-lifers elected was NRL PAC Chairman Denise Ashby as an alternate. The two pro-life PACs distributed a slate of endorsed candidates at the State Convention. Controversy erupted when it was learned that a number of prominent pro-life elected officials had been left off the slate. 

47th Legislative District Candidate Phil Erdman with NRL Political Action Committee Denise Ashby at the Pro-Life Hospitality Room.  
But the purpose of the pro-life slate was, in large part, to serve as a vehicle to elect pro-lifers who are activists in their communities. One of the criteria to be on the slate included support of Nancy Hergert for National Committee woman. Since a number of the prominent pro-lifers were not supporting Nancy, they were not considered for inclusion 
on the slate.

"The people who have prominence and name recognition within the party don't need our help to get elected to National Convention. We weren't saying they weren't pro-life," said Ashby. "Most all of them were elected by virtue of who they are and what they have done for the party. Our pro-life slate was intended to help those who wouldn't be able to get their names added to other slates."

The daughters of Gary and Anita Hansen of Aurora enjoy refreshments at the Pro-Life Hospitality room during the State Republican Convention in North Platte.

There was majority support among the State Convention delegates to add an amendment to the party constitution which would have denied GOP financial support to Republican candidates who supported partial-birth abortion. The amendment received 144 votes to 67 votes opposed. However, a quorum of 149 votes was needed so the amendment fell five votes short, as a number of delegates had left for lunch. Two pro-life resolutions were passed at the Convention. One, which asked mayors of Nebraska cities to make it known to partial-birth abortionist Leroy Carhart that he is not welcome to open an abortion facility in their cities and two, a resolution asking the National Institutes of Health to

withdraw proposed guidelines for federally funded research using stem cells obtained from human embryos. The previously strong pro-life plank within the Republican platform was also retained.

MRL PAC and NRL PAC also hosted a pro-life hospitality room which had many pro-life visitors.

The candidates from the pro-life slate who won election to the National Convention were:

Delegates: Naomi Brummond, Dave Hergert, Rod Krogh, Brad Kuiper, fat McPherson, Chuck Sigerson. Alternate Delegates: Denise Ashby, Terry Coit, Nancy Hergert, Dwight Justice, Tim 0'Dell, John Sieler, Bruce Stahr, Peggy Stahr.